H.E. Governor Abdi Ibrahim Guyo (EGH), made an impromptu visit to Isiolo International Abbatoir, a facility the Engineer described as the best in Kenya and among the best in Sub-saharan Africa.

The Governor was navigated through Entry and Snaking points for Shoats, cattle and Camel respectively, the Blood tank storage, the two mega Boreholes with 400,000 liter capacity each, the site where the water treatment plant is being finalized, Neumatic lines, Bio- digester, Waste- water treatment plant, which has been tested and confirmed that the recycled water can be used for farming.

The Governor was informed that the recreation garden will be set-up within the facility by use of the recycled water.

The Governor’s entourage was taken through the fully mechanized hangers for Shoats, camel and cattle and all the way to Cold storage, that is said to have the capacity to house 3200 shoats, 300 cattle and 100 camel carcasses daily.

The Governor was introduced to the deboning and packaging area and the smart weighing scale that automatically takes the live weight versus the carcass weight as well.
We were introduced to the Cold area exit and the hot area exit, basically describing the loading bay for export meat and that for local markets respectively.
The Governor was informed by the host Engineer that a little delay was realized owing to consultants that delayed plans for Paving works but assured that the project will be done and dusted by the end of April.
On his way out, the Governor was ambushed by some Youths who asked his support to travel to kitengela for a football match and the Governor blessed them with 100,000, from his pocket to facilitate the trip.

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