The 1628 Isiolo County staff members have reason to celebrate as they are now beneficiaries of fully comprehensive Insurance cover with Trident Insurance Company.

In a meeting chaired by Chief Officer Public Service Management, Batula Ali Maalim, representatives of the Insurance firm led by Agade Biendha Zindoli took us through the nitty- gritty details of the cover that cuts across the entire staff from Governor all the way to support staff.

This milestone is a deserving staff welfare initiative that will go a long way in empowerment of staff which will in turn boost their morale and enhance service delivery.
The process of registering members, and their dependants is expected to be complete in a fortnight, after which time they will be taken on board.
Each member will receive a virtual card which they will produce at top- notch hospitals accredited to the firm.
Fingerprints of beneficiaries shall be obtained at first visits and members will be free to get service at any of the accredited hospitals throughout the County.

H.E. Governor Abdi Ibrahim has fulfilled yet another of his promises for the staff members and their families and never again will Staff suffer the devastating consequences of struggling with their Health issues and that of their immediate dependants.

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