In the wake of the charged political aura in Isiolo the past few weeks that was ignited by a stray politician out to tarnish the good image of Isiolo County Government, resulting in PAC members sneaked into the County, breathing fire, it’s worthy to celebrate the Auditor General report on Isiolo.

The stray trigger-happy politicians who are themselves being charged and sponsored to do all they’re doing from our neighbourhood, stands ashamed as the report has rendered rotten eggs on the face of hate agents and detractors far and wide.

Meanwhile, a people wearing trivial, tribal spectacles have been all over social media castigating Isiolo Leadership owing to the Auditor General Report released recently.

In the process, these agents of hate, majorly powered and energized by a Governor from our neighbourhood and some of our own politicians, recently recruited into the neighbour’s bandwagon, seem not to have a clue about the real interpretation of the Auditor’s opinion.

Types of audit opinions:

  1. Unqualified opinion- clean report
  2. Qualified opinion- fairly clean report
  3. Disclaimer opinion- Not possible to make a decision on it.
  4. Adverse opinion- completely no reflection of the true financial position.
    It is very rare for auditors to give you an ” unqualified opinion”. For isiolo to be given ” qualified opinion” is quite good. Its only 10 out 47 counties that were classified qualified opinion.

Meanwhile, our neighborhood Governor and the father of stray bloggers in Isiolo as well as sponsor of the notoriety in Isiolo’s social media has been opined Adverse by the Auditor General of the Republic of Kenya.

The Auditor General’s office has no mercy, doesn’t incline on any side, doesn’t play politics, and has no idea about tribes and clans.
The whip is now in the hand of the very fiery PAC, that has already acted to stop some grants going into the
“Qile haa manoye” and “DIID GALGALU” desert.

Wabillahi Towfiq

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