The County Government of Isiolo have embarked on lighting up the streets in a beautification exercise that is sure to elevate Isiolo a notch higher.
Sistech Fabricators, a company contracted to fix Solar flashlights have been at work for the last couple of days and have so far covered Bula Pesa as well as Isiolo High Street from Grande to Karama Hotel area.
So far sixty poles have been fitted and the Contractors confirmed to me that more posts are being expected as the first batch of sixty have been fitted.
H.E. Governor Abdi GUYO’S commitment to elevate Isiolo to unprecedented levels is fast trending.
Tarmacking, murraming as well as cabrio-Roadworks is all over.
Coupled with the ongoing street lightning, the sky is the limit for Isiolo.
Indeed, Governor Abdi Guyo delivers!

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