TUMULT & AGGRESSION! The unique characteristics of Isiolo Senator?

We have 47 Senators in Kenya.
One wonders if all Senators answer to the same roles in their respective Counties!

What makes Isiolo Senator to be an odd one out.
Why the persistent bullying of Governors?


The tumultuous upheavals of the Senator has been a common phenomenon during the past Regime.

The same is being replicated with this Regime.

What is so special about Isiolo Senator?
What makes her feel special.
What is her intent?

Is it a means to maintain relevance in a highly charged politically sensitive County that people live and eat politics?

Is it her tactic of political survival covering up for her non-performance.?

Pundits have it;

@ that employment in her office is quite segragative. @That she doesn’t participate in finerals unless it’s a close relative.
@ That she doesn’t even have the guts to contribute a dime even during Cattle Rustling, most of the time fatal;
@That she has never attempted to support any fund-raising initiatives whatsoever, even though her earnings and allowances are in a whopping seven figure amount.
@ Her name doesn’t appear in any fund-raising events in the County whatsoever;
@ That her single strength is around tumultous charging at institutions, if only to seek relevance.

Could this therefore be her tactics of survival in politics?

Or is she only being used to fault her victim Governors by external opponents as she, being someone from same clan with both past and current Governor, is in a better position to serve as the typical underdog to serve the purpose of opponents?

It’s an open secret that Senate serves as Secondary Oversight institution in all practicalities.
It’s (Senate’s)major responsibility however is to protect Counties and fight for more budgetary allocations for Counties.

Has the Honourable Senator even been seen to defend the Country of Isiolo, or lobby for more Budgetary allocations from the National Government? To the contrary, there are trending videos proving otherwise. Her recent vibe against increased allocation for Counties is in public domain.

She’s even gone a further step in blocking other supports from NGOs and other partners.
A good case study is the Community Health Volunteer Project and her aggressive attempts to oversight NGOs operations in the County.

There is no doubt that Senators are not all in good books of their Governors in all the 47 Counties. But there is always a way these other Senators work in the best interest of their respective Communities. Why then, is the issue of Isiolo so unique?

Whether it is meant to seek consideration for contracts or other goodies, could be anyone’s guess, especially given that the same Senator was mum throughout the first term of devolution, as she is said to have won several such goodies.

I wonder if there is anyone out there, to solve this, my puzzle!

Wabillahi Towfiq!


Focussed fault finding extravaganza ;
A typical witch-hunt cover;
A mission beyond oversight order;
Deliberate to undermine the authority at work;
For obvious rationale and task;
Greed for power and political lust;
Laying the ground for the 2027 ploy!

Revealing a daring complex;
A behind the scene mobility pretex;
To serve the very perpetrator;
In the forthcoming contest;
Enthusiastic aggressive context;
Greed for power and political lust;
Laying the ground for 2027 ploy!

Oversight primary responsibility;
That is charged on the County Assembly;
Have all been ransacked:
To serve as the requisite task;
For an entity out to dare;
To nurse the wound and glare;
For political pertinence;
Laying ground for 2027 ploy;

Preoccupation with the obsession;
To oversight even the individual household chores ;
Poking nose in areas far from the very role;
Seeking to even suppress;.
And fault development partners in the land;
By demanding to further the obsession;
An action quite detrimental;.
Tantamount to retrogration;
All in the name of greed;
For political power and lust;
Laying the ground for 2027 ploy!

The Government of Abdi Guyo;
Is sure to brush off and ignore;
The obsessive player and her sinister ploy;
As The Government is out of time;
To engage with a stray entity;
Hence maintain the focus;
To elevate the electorate;
Eradicate poverty and destitution;
In the best interest of the population;
No to early campaigns,Has served as the logo!
Together let us shrug off;
The miserable obsession;
Laying the ground for 2027 ploy!


In response to a stray Senator focussed on fault-finding and witch-hunt mission, and specifically referring to a letter that the local Senator wrote, demanding some files, Governor Abdi Ibrahim Guyo started that in Isiolo, he’s not answerable to the said Senator but rather answerable to the electorate.

This sentiment has been blown out of proportion by a section of Senators, who are, for whatever reason, implying that the Governor undermines the role of the Senate.

There is nothing as further from the truth.
To the contrary, the Governor recognizes the crucial roles of the Senate as stimulated in Article 96 of the 2010 Constitution.

There was only one instance Governor Abdi was summoned to the Senate and he presented himself handy, for the session without delay.

The Governor was only protesting the excesses persued by the Isiolo Senator
which has gone beyond limits of oversight, demanding to oversight even other development partners.

Having already declared her 2027 interest in Gubernatorial contention, the subject Senator have developed tendencies of faulting the Governor and his Government, focussing to whitewash his achievements, shadow his efforts and fault every one of his moves.

That is the situation that demanded the Governor to declare that in Isiolo, he is only answerable to the electorate.
This is therefore meant to exonerate the Governor from the unfortunate accusation from the floor, that did not rely on facts but bluntly supportive of Isiolo Senator’s narratives.

After all, it’s unfair to accuse an entity at an avenue where he is not in a position to defend himself.

I hope this clarity will guide the interpretation of the Governor’s comments going forward.

Wabillahi Towfiq!


The Dung beetle, referred to as Bombi in our native language, and MULMULWAS as referred to by Prof. Lonyangapuo’s Pokot Community, is a type of beettle that so aggressively bussy itself forming a round ball out of cattle dung and sometimes even human feases.
It will roll the dung up and down throughout the night and in most cases, the sun rises as it continues and birds prey them away, leaving the dung behind.

That is the tradition that has been taken up by a number of busybodies in the name of blogging, here in Isiolo.
They get something to hang themselves onto and for twenty four hours, they will keep pushing the dung irrespective of timely responses.

An issue like funding of youths to help them into a football career has been so dear to the Governor, that he’s funded several tournaments, purchased sports kits for several youths and he’s actually a fan of football himself.

The First lady and the Treasury CO are also on record for chipping in many a times to assist football teams across the Country.

But pushing dung around all night seeking to malign the good image of the County for a Division one National team whose funding responsibility is all on the KFF, is despicable.

It’s like blaming the County Government for not paying wages of Policemen serving Isiolo Stations.

Just like, yet another busybody claiming that KPR’s support by County as the mandatory role of the County, therefore attempting to water down the mattresses contributed b the Governor to help the KPR trainees facilitation of smooth training.

Youth and Women Empowerment has been a priority of the Governor of Isiolo and it’s on record the number of initiatives accomplished, in that respect.
It’s not enough for busybodies who have, not a notch of value for the people of this County, to keep faulting the Government on non-existing grounds for the single purpose of inflicting their hate and scorn into the public.

I would rather we dismiss all these busybodies with deserving contempt and appreciate the government of H.E. Governor Abdi Guyo EGH, for the servant leadership that is sure to elevate Isiolo to untold prosperity.

Wabillahi Towfiq!


An obsessive article titled Gov. Guyo’s Obituary refers;

Foremost, the narrow focussed author deliberately departed from facts on the ground, as he is guided by hate, scorn emanating from nepotistic barbarism, a common phenomenon in the land.

It’s a pity the author refers to Gov. Abdi Guyo as an inexperienced person in the murky muddy politics, comparing him with Doyo who was indeed fresh in politics, when he became first Governor.

The author deliberately looked away from the fact that Abdi Guyo joined politics at a tender age of early 20s in a massive cosmopolitan environment.He therefore convinced the multi-cultural multi-ethnic Kayole suburban and got elected Councillor.

Abdi Guyo did not just stop there, as he got elected for a second and third term, to the extent his Leadership obtained admiration and accolades far and wide.
Having gotten elevated in the Assembly as Minority and later Majority Leader, Guyo made history in service delivery not only confined to his Kayole ward, but was felt in the entire City and Kenya.

Allow me to remind this despicable author that the President of the Country recommended to the Nairobi electorate to elevate Abdi Guyo as he acknowledged and appreciated his outstanding performance, to a standing ovation from the audience.

Comparing Abdi Guyo’s massive political experience that covered almost a half of his entire lifetime to Doyo’s, during his entrance into politics in 2012 is, to my opinion enough of an insult.

The author’s description of Abdi Guyo’s sponsorship by Council of Elders is sure description that does not in any way befit Abdi Guyo.
A champion Campaigner of Abdi Guyo’s stature does not require to be carried on anyone’s back, but assisted by minimal consultations, the wealthy political past coupled with the long standing philanthropy and the Able Allmighty Allah granted him a success in his Gubernatorial contention. Governor Guyo therefore has no reason to surround himself with cartels as this disgusting article implies.

To cap it all up, Governor Guyo’s achievements in the one and half year of service is comparable to no Northern Region’s Governors and intact, far outdoes most Governors in Kenya and therefore, will be his major asset, which, with the help of the Almighty Allah, will grant him an easy ride into a second time of landslide victory, in shaa Allah!

I would rather therefore, the narrow hatepreneur mark time around his chauvinist cocoon as Governor Guyo leads Isiolo to prosperity unprecedented.

Wabillahi towfiq


Will Palestinians Triumph?

The people of Gaza are already victorious. They have already triumphed. Allah has already given them victory. You will cry tears as you read to last paragraph of this message!

What is victory?

In Islam, victory is not the physical defeat of the enemy, the dismantling of their occupation, the protection of our lives and our children’s lives, the protection of assets, the preservation of land. These are secondary in the Islamic conceptualization of victory. Victory is when you live upon Islam and you die upon Islam. Victory is when you are given a shahada martyrdom by Allah. Victory is when you are content with the Qardar, the decree of Allah. But our brothers have even got more!

How did they triumph?

o They stood next to one another; have not leveled a finger of blame at each other; Whether old or young, educated or otherwise, they are all standing hand in hand in front of aggression, and no one blames his neighbor. They are a united, solid front and they are paying the ultimate price for it, losing their families and children. And they are saying we are united. That is victory.

o They met the decrees of Allah with contentment, Sabr and happiness. They have not rebelled against Allah. They have not questioned the decision of Allah to run from Gaza, keep or to take away their children or homes. You hear nothing but the the praise of Allah, thanks to Allah, the glorification of Allah, contentment with the decree of Allah.

o Just a few weeks ago, nobody was talking about Palestine. Gaza was forgotten and Masjid Al-Aqsa was being desecrated every other day, and the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was being insulted in the spaces of Al-masjid Al-Aqsa. In some Arab nations, the school curriculums were being altered, removing Palestine and Al Aqsa. Certain verses of the Quran were now being omitted from the schools as well, because they were deemed to be a little extreme. Islam and Palestine is now thrust to the top of the global agenda. Every king, president, prime minister, MP, every household, every individual is talking about Palestine, Al-masjid Al-Aqsa that is besieged and the oppressed people of Gaza, about the apartheid state. Millions have embraced Islam.

o Allah Almighty chose from that small strip of land over 30,000 martyrs for Himself to enter Jannah without any accountability, and being spared ‘Adhaab (punishment) in the grave and all of the horrors on the Day of Judgment. And he chose them within 90 days or so. When the bomb crashes down on the house and you see some people dead and others who made it alive, that’s not an accident. It’s not arbitrary. It’s not random. Allah chose who will live and Allah chose the martyr he wants for himself.

And they have destroyed Zionism! What future is there now for the Zionist project?

o When you see the West who sponsored the genocide now trying frantically to control the narrative, to limit freedoms, to suppress people in the West, by banning protests, by curtailing free speech, banning the raising Palestinian flag and facing huge demonstrations every week. For the first time, leaders are questioning support for Israel in the US. A sign they have lost it!

o When you find the occupier hacking people’s account, hiring influencers, employing millions of trolls, internet bots around the world to give the world the impression that they have more sympathizers than you actually do; when you censor accounts that are exposing your crimes; they you know they have lost!

o When you cutt off the electricity, internet to unleash your savagery without the world seeing; unleashing your rage on the civil population because of your failures on the battlefield;
When you cut off food, water and medicines from the innocent civilians and publicly target their bakeries, their nurseries, their hospitals, their paramedics, their schools, and anything that sustains human life; then know they have a very bleak future ahead.

o When you see the largest ever Jewish rally to take place in America, side by side with the Palestinians in pro-Palestinian marches in Washington, New York etc; when you see Jewish Rabbis praying to God to hasten the dismantling of the Zionist project while stomping on the Israeli flag; When you see some employees of BBC, Time Magazine, New York Times etc crying in their bathrooms during their working hours because of the incredibly hostile and biased coverage towards the plight of the Palestinians. ..they have lost it!

o When the Western secular, liberal democracies can no longer claim that their values and principles of freedoms, human rights and justice as they used to; instead only impunity and arrogance and double standards is exposed, and being paraded in Court for genocide by a Third World Country etc; they have lost it!

Then, we know the people of Gaza are victorious, Alhamdulillah! And we should not grieve!

We say to the children of Gaza before anyone else. Thank you. And we salute you. We have seen how your six year olds are standing over the dying bodies of their blood brothers as they say to them, brother, say la ilaha illa Allah. You’re dying. Say la ilaha illallah. Six years old. How did he pull that one off? We saw the young boy wrapped from head to toe because of Burns saying to his father, whose injuries are less than him. Father “be strong, don’t despair, this is our land”. Who taught him that? Allah. We say to the mothers of Gaza, thank you. May Allah Almighty bless those wombs of yours that have delivered the miracles of the 21st century that we are witnessing today. We say thank you, Jazakumallahu khayran to the women of Gaza. We saw you burying your children. Then you raised your hands. Rather than complaining at Allah, you say, “O Allah, continue taking from our blood till you are pleased”. To the men of Gaza, we say thank you for showing us that a people who believe that death is not the end can never be defeated. Thank you for helping us understanding verses of the Quran that we previously did not understand until we saw you. Thank you for removing from the hearts of 2 billion Muslims around the world the fear of any human being but Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala.

Adapted from Khutnah by Sh Ali Hammuda


Politicizing a wedding, raining praises for colleagues of the groom’s mother’s attendances to such weddings and raising issues on the Isiolo Governor’s participation in massive fundraiser in TIM Counties are results of desperation.

Political rivals whose style of politics have been overtaken by events, are unable to catch up with a quite charming, youthful Governor who has come up with initiatives to overcome chains of absolute poverty that has bedevilled the region for decades on end.

The young Governor Abdi Guyo has turned the tables on empty bravado and political rhetoric that has been the order of the days for every five years.
The old guards are used to political conspiracies, spin and speculations of no material substance and keeping supporters on their toes at the expense of handouts.

Governor Guyo on the other hand, has turned the table on this custom, exerted all his focus on empowerment, empowerment and empowerment going beyond borders and hence the desperation.

And at the request of like minded leadership of neighboring Counties, the Governor has extended similar Empowerment projects to the TIM member Counties, to the detriment of his rivals.

And that is the reason, rivals are seeking every opportune platform to castigate the Governor and hurl all sorts of names. It’s a result of desperation.
Meanwhile it’s in the public domain that night meetings are rife in the circles of the Governor’s rivals.
Of course they’re left with only one option and that is, to replicate Governor Guyo by hijacking some fundraisers to block the Isiolo Governor penetrate their perceived strongholds and win hearts and minds.
The desperate posts purporting Governor Guyo as seeking the Regional Kingpin title should be disregarded and treated with deserving contempt.
It’s in public domain the entity that mobizes fallen Politicians of the same ethnic class in the TIM Counties and often boasts as Regional kingpin without making any impact whatsoever.
The Isiolo Governor is too preoccupied in improving livelihoods of his constituents and by extension, brethren’s from neighbouring TIM member Counties, he doesn’t have time to seek attention whatsoever.

The population of the three Counties meanwhile, have every so often hailed, acknowledged and recognized his leadership roles and appreciate him as a Regional Leader, so much so that he doesn’t require recognition from these desperate entities whatsoever.

Wabillahi Towfiq.


If you can’t beat them in political competitiveness, replicate them in some way, seems to be the resolve of bitter rivals of Governor Abdi Guyo.

The idea of undermining him through political rallies, twisting his words to incite tribes and clans, the age-old creation of spin, speculations and conspiracy theories, have all failed to materialize given that the Governor has excelled in burning midnight oils, to empower the people.

Governor Abdi Guyo has often shrugged off their intentions to engage him in politicking throughout and instead took to focussed developmental initiatives that cut across the entirety of the County devoid of any form of segragations and discrimination of sorts.

Night meetings are rife therefore to replicate the Governor’s empowerment of Women and Youth that realized tens of millions hence impacted big time, in Isiolo, Ngaremara and recently in Burat.

They’re working on fast-tracking a similar fund-raiser in an area where they fear the Governor will destroy their divisive politics by raining on the people his usual massive empowerment.

And they think of doing it fast, as the Governor is expected to visit the area to launch its elevation to sub- County and announce a massive Community empowerment, which, they feel will earn the Governor, hearts and minds, to their( opponents) obvious detriment.

But guess what? The Governor appreciates their new trick as long as it will assist families in overcoming the threshold of poverty that has bedevilled the County population for decades.

In fact the Governor had already announced at the Burat fund-raising site that he will soon launch a similar one for the subject area and that ignited a people who have never in their decades in politics, NEVER made any such fund- raiser or anything in those lines of elevating a people, to think on these lines.

It reminded me of a speech by Marsabit Town MP, Hon. (Rtd. Major) Rasso, in Kinna that the only way to compete with this youthful, jolly Governor Abdi Guyo is by replicating his developmental initiatives.

Devoid of their intentions which is as further from benefitting the Community, we, on the Governor’s side are proud to navigate opponents on those lines, and away from spin, speculations and propaganda peddling, therefore in the best interest of the Isiolo population.

Wabillahi Towfiq!


✨From the curtailing of Cattle Rustlers via hired chopper a couple of time and in the process rescue and recovery of stolen livestock ;
✨From aggressive pursuit of intervention via from Internal Security, up to the Presidency thereby securing coupled of police posts, command centers;
✨From fast-tracking and facilitating hiring of Police Reservists to duly
empowering them;
✨From engaging Community committees and empowering them to contain the menace;

The workaholic Isiolo Governor have helped reduce incidences of Cattle Rustling and the surrounding insecurity by over seventy percent, within one and a half years of his leadership at the helm of Isiolo County.

As we speak, the pressure exerted by the threat of military operations have borne fruits as elders from Samburu/ Isiolo border have identified twenty plus key criminals involved in the Cattle Rustling business. The locals have undertaken to help security agents to get rid of the criminals as they lead the Security to the hideouts of criminals and the stolen livestock.
This is yet another of the key accomplishment of exemplary Leadership on display and deserves acknowledgement and appreciation on equal measure.

Over two hundred camels rescued from the jaws of the criminals were handed back to the owners at Mlango, by the Governor in company of the CS Internal Security and the Isiolo County MP Hon. Mumina Bonaya. Also present were the County Commissioner Mr. Omodinv and his Security team, the County Secretary Mr. Dhade Boru, County Assembly Speakers,a number of MCAs and other leaders.

Remember , the Security is not one of the devolved units but that didn’t stop the Governor from investing his precious time and Resources to secure the County from the ugly incidences of insecurity that has had severity of consequences, in terms of loss of lives and properties, and thereby resultant unending poverty and vulnerability.

Together, let us acknowledge and appreciate the unprecedented leadership that the Almighty has blessed us with, and thank Allah for all the service deliverance obtained through the blessed leadership of Governor Abdi Guyo and his entire team!

Wabillahi Towfiq