The political aura of Isiolo County have since time immemorial been saturated by the obsessions of preoccupying the mass with retrogressive politics of speculations, spin and conspiracy theories.

While the Governorship of Abdi Guyo brought about the worthy leadership of prioritizing service delivery, thereby stashing away the campaign mood that some politicians fancy pursuing for the entire five year term, there are these categories of politicians that feed on exactly that; Spin, Speculation and Conspiracy theories.

Yes, Putting the County in campaign mood via witch-hunt, accelerating hateful rhetoric, painting the air with spin, speculations and conspiracy theories.
Some rely on obsessive excuses of Oversight while others hibernate under clan chauvinism to spread bad blood and pit clans against each other.
Barbaric as it is, tactics continue changing from street outbursts to FM vernacular Radio interviews to presenting trivialties and none issues in social media platforms and sometimes even in the form of writing out letters, as well as presentations at areas of their jurisdiction, allegations that end up wthout an iota of weight whatsoever.
The busybodies have now resorted to hiring rogues bloggers to paint the air in Rainbow colours, saturating the Aura with allegations, mostly based on falsehoods.
Furthermore, their obsession with bloggers have landed them in the hands of mostly abusive, narrow nepotistic brats that are choosey in bragging, insults and stooping too low that any objective argument is rendered unviable.

It’s therefore imperative to just assume such characters, disregard them and treat them with deserving contempt as we embrace Governor Guyo’s developmental initiatives he’s realized and those that he’s committed to deliver.

There is no doubt that the retrogressive characters will endeavour to deflect the population attention from the great strides being realized, in attempts to mislead them.

Their mentors are also out to fault anything and everything with the one focus to derail developments owing to their ill intent to deny the regime the credit.

Let us be on the lookout therefore and deny these shenanigans the very attention they strive for, deny them the platform as we pursue our mission to keep trending, the flow of information and update the people about the servant leadership deliverances in abundance.

Wabillahi Towfiq.

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